Grupo Stratos




 Líneas de Investigación
 Oferta a Empresas
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Dr. D. Gonzalo Pardo Tirapu
Área de Estratigrafía
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra
Universidad de Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
50009 Zaragoza (España)
Telf.: (34) 976761082
Página Web Personal

Proyectos de investigación


Publicaciones Internacionales

Auqué, L.; Arenas, C.; Osácar, C.; Pardo, G.; Sancho, C. and Vázquez Urbez, M. (2014)
Current tufa sedimentation in a changing-slope valley: The River Añamaza (Iberian Range, NE Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 303: 26–48.

Arenas, C.; Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Auqué, L.; Sancho, C.; Osácar, C. and Pardo, G. (2014)
Intrinsic and extrinsic controls of spatial and temporal variations in modern fluvial tufa sedimentation: A thirteen-year record from a semi-arid environment. Sedimentology, 61: 90–132.

Arenas, C.;Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Pardo, G. and Sancho, C. (2014)
Sedimentology and depositional architecture of tufas deposited in stepped fluvial systems of changing slope: Lessons from the Quaternary Añamaza valley (Iberian Range, Spain). Sedimentology, 61: 133–171.

Osácar, C.; Arenas, C.; Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Sancho, C.; Auqué, L. and Pardo, G. (2013)
Environmental factors controlling the d13C and d18O variations of recent fluvial tufas: A 12-year record from the Monasterio de Piedra Natural Park (NE Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 83: 309–322.

Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Arenas, C.; Pardo, G. and Pérez-Rivarés, J. (2013)
The effect of drainage reorganization and climate on the sedimentologic evolution of intermontane lake systems: The final fill stage of the Tertiary Ebro basin (Spain). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 83: 562–590.

Auqué, L.; Arenas, C.; Osácar, C.; Pardo, G.; Sancho, C. and Vázquez Urbez, M. (2013) Tufa sedimentation in changing hydrological conditions: the River Mesa (Spain). Geologica Acta, 11 (1): 85-102.

Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Arenas, C. and Pardo, G. (2012)
A sedimentary facies model for stepped, fluvial tufa systems in the Iberian Range (Spain): the Quaternary Piedra and Mesa valleys. Sedimentology, 59: 502-526.

Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Arenas, C.; Sancho, C.; Auqué, L. F.; Osácar, C. and Pardo, G. (2011)
Quaternary and present-day tufa systems of the Rivers Piedra and Añamaza (Iberian Range, Spain). In: Geo-guías 8 “Post-Meeting Field trips, 28th IAS meeting, Zaragoza”: 241-247. International Association of Sedimentologists-Sociedad Geológica de España.

Agustí, J.; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J.; Cabrera, L.; Garcés, M; Pardo, G. and Arenas, C. (2011)
The Ramblian-Aragonian boundary and its significance for the European Neogene continental chronology. Contributions from the Ebro Basin record (NE Spain). Geobios, 44 (2-3):121-134.

Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Pardo, G.; Arenas, C. and Sancho, C. (2011)
Fluvial diffluence episodes reflected in the Pleistocene tufa deposits of the River Piedra (Iberian Range, NE Spain). Geomorphology, 125:1-10.
Arenas, C.; Osácar, C.; Sancho, C.; Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Auqué, L. and Pardo, G. (2010)
Seasonal record from recent fluvial tufa deposits (Monasterio de Piedra, NE Spain): sedimentation rates and stable isotope data. Special publications 336 “Tufas and speleothems: unravelling the microbial and physical controls”: 119-142. The Geological Society of London.
Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Arenas, C., Sancho, C., Osácar, C.; Auqué, L. and Pardo, G. (2010)
Factors controlling present-day tufa dynamics in the Monasterio de Piedra Natural Park (Iberian Range, Spain): depositional environmental settings, sedimentation rates and hydrochemistry. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99: 1027-1049.
Arenas, C.; Vázquez-Urbez, M.; Pardo, G. and Sancho, C. (2010)
Fluvial and associated carbonate deposits. In: Developments in Sedimentology, 61 “Carbonates in continental settings: Facies, Environments and Processes”: 133-175. Elsevier.

Arenas, A.; Pardo, G.; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J. and Vázquez- Urbez, M. (2007)
From saline to freshwarer lacustrine and fluviolacustrine carbonate systems: Neogene evolution of the central Ebro Basin. In: Geo-guías 3. "Geological field trips to the lacustrine deposits of the northeast of Spain" : 51- 110. International Association of Limnogeology-Sociedad Geológica de España.

Rodríguez-López, J.P.; de Boer, P.L.; Meléndez, N.; Soria, A.R. and Pardo,G. (2006.
Windblown desert sands in coeval shallow marine deposits: a key for the recognition of coastal ergs in the mid-Cretaceous Iberian Basin, Spain. Terra Nova, 18 (5): 314- 320.

Muñoz, A.; Arenas, C.; González, A.; Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Villena, J.; Pardo, G. (2002). Ebro Basin (Northeastern Spain). (In: The Geology of Spain. W. Gibbons and T. Moreno, eds.). Geological Society, London. 301-309.
Arenas, C.; Millán, H.; Pardo, G. and Pocoví, J. (2001)
Ebro Basin continental sedimentation associated with late compressional Pyrenean tectonics (north-eastern Iberia): controls on basin margin fans and fluvial systems. Basin Research, 13: 65- 89.
Arenas, C. and Pardo, G. (2000).
Neogene lacustrine deposits of the north-central Ebro Basin, northeastern Spain. In: Lake Basin Through Space and Time. Studies in Geology, 46: 395- 406. American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Arenas, C.; Alonso-Zarza, A.M. and Pardo, G. (1999). Dedolomitization and other early diagenetic proceses in Miocene lacustrine deposits, Ebro Basin (Spain). Sedimentary Geology ,125: 23- 45.
Arenas, C. and Pardo, G. (1999)
Latest Oligocene-Late Miocene lacustrine systems of the north-central part of the Ebro Basin (Spain): sedimentary facies model and palaeogeographic synthesis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 151: 127- 148.
Arenas, C.; Casanova, J. and Pardo, G.(1997)
Stable-isotope characterization of the Miocene lacustrine systems of Los Monegros (Ebro basin, Spain): palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 128: 133- 155.

González, G.; Arenas, C. and Pardo, G. (1997)
Discusión on syntectonic burial and post-tectonic exhumation of the southern Pyrenees foreland fold-thrust belts. Jounal of the Geological Society, London, 154: 361-365.

Villena, J.; Pardo, G.; Pérez, A.; Muñoz, A.; González, A. (1996). The Tertiary of the Iberian margin of the Ebro Basin: Paleogeography and Tectonic control. (In: Friend, P. & Dabrio, C. Eds.:Tertiary Basins of Spain). Serie World and Regional Geology 6: 83-88. Cambridge University Press.
Villena, J.; Pardo, G.; Pérez, A.; Muñoz, A.; González, A. (1996). Tertiary of the Iberian margin of the Ebro Basin: Stratigraphic synthesis. (In: Friend, P. & Dabrio, C. Eds.:Tertiary Basins of Spain). Serie World and Regional Geology 6: 77-81. Cambridge University Press.
Pérez, A.; Muñoz, A.; Pardo, G.; Villena, J. (1994). Lacustrine Neogene deposits Ebro basin (Southern margin). NE. Spain. (In: Global Geological Record of Lake Basin. K. Kelts & Gierlowski-Kordesch, eds.). Serie World and Regional Geology 4: 325-330. Cambridge University Press.

Arenas, C.; Pardo, G.; Casanova, J. (1993) Bacterial stromatolites in lacustrine Miocene deposits of the Ebro Basin (Aragón, Spain). Bolletino Società Paleontológica Italiana, Spec. vol. 1: 9 - 22.

Querol, X.; Salas, R.; Pardo, G.; Ardevol, L. (1992) Albian Coal-Bearing deposits of the Iberian Range in Northeastern Spain. (In: McCabe, P.J. & Parrish, J.T., Eds: Controls on the distribution and quality of Cretaceous coals). Geological Society of America, Special Paper 267: 193 - 208.


Pardo, G.; Arenas, C.; González, A.; Luzón, A.; Muñoz, A.; Pérez, A.; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J.; Vázquez-Urbez, M. y Villena, J. (2004)
La Cuenca del Ebro. (In: J.A. Vera, Ed. Principal: Geología de España). Sociedad Geológica de España-Instituto Geológico y Minero de España: 533-543.

Casas Sainz, A.M. y Pardo, G. (2004)
Estructura pirenaica y evolución de las cuencas sedimentarias en la transversal Huesca-Olorón. (In: Geo-Guías 1. "Itinerarios Geológicos por Aragón). Sociedad Geológica de España: 63-96.
 Pérez-Rivarés, F.J.; Garcés, M.; Arenas, C. and Pardo, G. (2004)
Magnetostratigraphy of the Miocene continental deposits of the Montes de Castejón (central Ebro basin, Spain). Geologica Acta, 2 (3): 221- 234.