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Dr. D.  Antonio Pérez García
Área de Estratigrafía
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra
Universidad de Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
50009 Zaragoza (España)
Telf.: (34) 976761083
Página Web Personal Proyectos de investigación
Publicaciones Internacionales
Aurell, A.; González, A.; Pérez, A.; Guimerá, J.; Casas, A.; Salas, R. (1993). Discusion of: The Azuara impact structure (Spain): new insights from geophysical and geological investigations. Geol. Rundsch. 82:756-759.

Salvany, J.M.; Muñoz, A. y Pérez, A. (1994). Nonmarine evaporitic sedimentation and associated diagenetic processes of the SW margin of the Ebro Basin. (Lower Miocene) Spain. Journal of Sedimentary  Research, 64(2): 190-203.

Pérez, A.; Muñoz, A.; Pardo, G.; Villena, J. (1994). Lacustrine Neogene deposits Ebro basin (Southern margin). NE. Spain. In: Global Geological Record of Lake Basin. K. Kelts & Gierlowski-Kordesch (eds.). Serie World and Regional Geology 4: 325-330. Cambridge University Press.

Muñoz, A.; Pérez, A.; Villena, J. (1994). Pliocene Lacustrine Basin of Villarroya (Iberial Range. North of Spain). In: Global Geological Record of Lake Basin. K. Kelts & Gierlowski-Kordesch Eds. Serie World and Regional Geology 4: 307-310. Cambridge University Press.

Villena, J.; Pardo, G.; Pérez, A.; Muñoz, A.; González, A. (1996). Tertiary of the Iberian margin of the Ebro Basin: Stratigraphic synthesis. (In: Friend, P. & Dabrio, C. Eds.:Tertiary Basins of Spain). Serie World and Regional Geology 6: 77-81. Cambridge University Press.

Villena, J.; Pardo, G.; Pérez, A.; Muñoz, A.; GONZALEZ, A. (1996). The Tertiary of the Iberian margin of the Ebro Basin: Paleogeography and Tectonic control. (In: FRIEND, P. & DABRIO, C. Eds.:Tertiary Basins of Spain). Serie World and Regional Geology 6: 83-88. Cambridge University Press.

Ingles, M.; Salvany, J.M.; Muñoz, A.; Pérez, A. (1998). Relationship of mineralogy to depositional environments in the non-marine Tertiary mudstones of the south-western Ebro Basin (Spain). Sedimentary Geology. 116: 159-176.

Sánchez, J.A.; Pérez, A.; Coloma, P.; Martínez Gil, J. (1998). Combined effects of groundwater and eolian processes in the formation of the Northernmost closed saline depressions of Europe. North-East Spain. Hydrological Processes. 12:813-820.

Sánchez, J.A.; Coloma, P.; Pérez, A. (1999). Sedimentary processes related to the groundwater flows from the Mesozoic Carbonated Aquifer of the Iberian Chain in the Tertiary Ebro Basin, northeast Spain. Sedimentary Geology. 129: 201-213.

Sánchez, J.A.; Coloma, P.; Pérez, A. (2000). Characterization of groundwater flow in the Bailín hazardous waste disposal site (Huesca, Spain). Environmental Geology. 40: 216-222.

Casas, A.M.; Casas, A.; Pérez, A.; Tena, S.; Barrier, L.; Gapais, D.; Nalpas, T. (2000). Syn-tectonic sedimentation and thrust-and-fold kinematics at the intra-mountain Montalbán Basin (northern Iberian Chain, Spain). Geodinamica Acta, 13: 1-17.

Pérez, A.; Luzón, A.; Roc, A.; Soria, A.; Mayayo, M.; Sánchez, J. (1999). Conservation proposal of recent sedimentary lacustrine environments Gallocanta saline lake. NE Spain. In: Towards the Balanced Management and Conservation of the Geological Heritage in the New Millenium. D. Barettino, M. Vallejo and E. Gallega Eds. pp. 219-223. Madrid (Spain).

Sánchez Navarro, J. A.; Coloma López, P.; Pérez García, A. (2001). Saline wetlands related to groundwater flows from low permeability Tertiary formations in the Somontano area of Huesca, Spain. Hydrological Processes, 15: 633-642.

Sánchez, A.; Pérez, A.; Roc, A.C.; Rubio, J.C. (2001). Hidrogeologic and environmental issues of Aragón Region. Fieldtrip to Aragón. In: Groundwater and Landscape Sustainable Management. Ed. Redondo C. Geodinamic Department Madrid University. 39-66.

Pérez, A.; Luzón, A.; Roc, A.C.; Soria, A.R.; Mayayo, M.J.; Sánchez, J.A. (2002). Sedimentary facies distribution and genesis of a recent carbonate-rich saline lake: Gallocanta lake, Iberian Chain, NE Spain. Sedimentary Geology, 148: 185-202.

Sánchez, A.; Pérez, A.; Rubio, J.C.; Roc, A.C.; Abad, M.; Gutierrez, F. (2002). Hardrock hydrogeology in Moncayo Area (Iberian Range). Fieldtrip. 4th LOWRGREP Project Workshop. 32 pp. Zaragoza University.

Roc, A.C.; Sánchez Goñi, M.F.; Pérez, A.; Alfonso, S.; Jouanneau, J.M.; Sánchez, A. (2002). Relationship between the sedimentary evolution of Gallocanta Lake (Iberian Chain, NE Spain) and the historia of the basin vegetation during the late Quaternary. Journal of Iberian Geology, 28: 123-142.

Alonso-Zarza, A.; Armenteros, I.; Braga, J.; Muñoz, A.; Pujalte, V.; Ramos, E.; Aguirre, J.; Alonso, G.; Arenas, C.; Baceta, J.; Carballerira, J.; Calvo, J.; Corrochano, A.; fornós, J.; González, A.; Luzón, A.; Martín, J.; Pardo, G.; Payros, A., Pérez, A.; Pomar, L.; Rodríguez, J.; Villena, J. (2002). Tertiary. In: W. Gibbons and T. Moreno (eds.). The Geology of Spain. Geological Society, London. 293-334.

Muñoz, A.; Arenas, C.; González, A.; Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Villena, J.; Pardo, G. (2002). Ebro Basin (Northeastern Spain). In: The Geology of Spain. W. Gibbons and T. Moreno; (eds.). Geological Society, London. 301-309.

Mayayo, M.J.; Luzón, A.; Soria, A.R.; Roc, A.C.; Sánchez, J.A.; Pérez, A. (2003). Sedimentological evolution of the Holocene Gallocanta Lake, NE Spain. In: Limnology in Spain: a tribute to Kerry Kelts. B.L. Valero Garcés ed. Biblioteca de Ciencias CSIC, 14: 359-384, Departamento Publicaciones CSIC, Madrid.

Anadón, P.; Rodríguez Lazaro, J.; Pérez, A.; Martín Rubio, M. (2003). Middle-Upper Miocene ostracod-rich deposits of Fuendetodos (South-Central Ebro Basin, Spain). In: Building Bridges with Ostracods. J. Rodriguez, A. Baltanas eds. Servicio editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. 99-117.

Sánchez Navarro, J.A.; Coloma Lopez, P.; Pérez García, A. (2004). Evaluation of geothermal flow at the springs in Aragón (Spain), and its relation to geologic structure. Hydrogeology Journal, 12: 601-609.

Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Sánchez, J.A.; Soria, A.R.; Mayayo, M. J. (2007). Evolution from fresh-water to saline lake: a climatic or hydrogeological change?: the case of Gallocanta Lake (NE Spain). Hydrological Processes, 21: 461-469.

Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Mayayo, M. J.; Soria, A.R.; Sánchez Goñi, M.F.; Roc, A.C.  (2007). Holocene environmental changes in Gallocanta lacustrine basin. Iberian Range. NE Spain. The Holocene,17: 649-663

Vayssade, S.; Bender, Z.; Boukalova, A.L.; Courbis, J.F.; Didon-Lescot, Z.; Hrkal, A.; Pérez García, A.; Martín, C.; Martinez Alfaro, P.; Martínez-Santos, P.; Montero, E.; Sánchez-Navarro, J.A.; Sauvagnargues-Lesage, s.; Villarroya F.; Wohnlich, S.; Yélamos, J.G (2008). Landscape-use optimisation with regards to the groundwater resources protection in mountain hardrock áreas. LOWRGREP. IWA. International Water Association. European Water Research Series. Public On-line. Pages: 37 • ISBN: 9781843391937.

Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Soriano, M.A.; Pocoví, A. (2008). Sedimentary record of Pleistocene paleodoline evolution in the Ebro Basin (NE, Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 205: 1-13.

Luzón A.; Mayayo, M.J.; Pérez, A. (2009). Stable isotope characterization of co-existing carbonates Luzón, A.; Mayayo, M.J.; Pérez, A. (2009). Stable isotope characterization of co-existing carbonates from the Holocene Gallocanta lake (NE Spain): palaeolimnological implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98:1129-1150.

Soriano, M.A.; Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Pocoví, A.; Simón, J.L.; Gil, H. (2010). Past and present doline development in the central Ebro Basin (NE Spain). In: 2° Workshop internazionale I Sinkholes. Gli sprofondamenti catastrofici nell’ambiente naturale ed in quello antropizzato. (Nisio S. Ed.). Istituto Superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale. 359-370. ISBN: 978-88-448-04008.

Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Borrego, A.G.; Mayayo, M.J.; Soria A.R. (2011). Interrelated continental sedimentary environments in the central Iberian Range (Spain): Facies characterisation and main palaeoenvironmental changes during the Holocene. Sedimentary Geology, 239:87-103.

Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Pocoví, A.; Soriano, A.; Gil, H.; Rodríguez-López, J.P.; Simón, J.L. (2011). Sedimentary record related to the evolution of Quaternary dolines in the central Ebro Basin. In: Pree-Meeting Field trips Guidebook, 28th IAS Meeting. Zaragoza (C. Arenas, L. Pomar and F. Colombo, Eds.). Sociedad Geológica de España, Geo-Guías, 7:199-226.

Luzón, A.; Rodriguez-López, J.P.; Pérez, A., Soriano, A.; Gil, H.; Pocoví, A. (2012). Karst subsidence as a control on the accumulation and preservation of aeolian deposits: A Pleistocene example from a proglacial outwash setting, Ebro Basin, Spain. Sedimentology. 59: 2199-2225.

Soriano, M.A.; Luzón, A.; Yuste, A.; Pocoví, A.; Pérez, A.; Simón, J.L.; Gil, H. (2012). Quaternary Alluvial sinkholes: record of environmental conditions of karts development. Examples from the Ebro Basin, Spain. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. 74: 173-185.

García-Guinea, J.; Almendros, G.; Benavente, D.; Correcher, V.; Pérez-García, A.; Recio-Vázquez, L.; Sánchez-Moral, S. (2013). Incompatible building materials within the stereotomic Avalos sculptures of the Valley of Fallen (Madrid, Spain). Materiales de Construcción, 63: 117-129.

García-Guinea, J.; Almendros, G.; Benavente, D.; Correcher, V.; Pérez-García, A.; Recio, L.; Sánchez-Moral, S.; Fernández Cortés, A. (2013). Petrophysical properties, composition and deterioration of the Calatorao biogenic stone: Case of the sculptures masonry of the Valley of the Fallen (Madrid, Spain). Environmental Earth Sciences 69: 1733-1750.

Gil, H.; Luzón, A.; Soriano, M.A.; Casado, I.; Pérez, A.; Yuste, A.; Pueyo, E.; Pocoví, A. (2013). Stratigraphic architecture of alluvial-aeolian systems developed on active karst terrains: An Early Pleistocene example from the Ebro Basin (NE Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 296: 122-141.

Gil, H.; Pepe, M.; Soriano, M.A.; Parise, M.; Pocoví, A.; Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; Basso, A (2013). Sviluppo ed evoluzione di sprofondamenti in rocce solubili: un confronto tra il carso coperto del Bacino dell’Ebro (Spagna) e la Penisola Salentina (Italia). Mem. Descr. Carta Geol. d’It. XCIII pp. 253-276.

Pueyo Anchuela, Ó.; Luzón, A.; Gil, H.; Pérez, A.; Pocoví Juan, A.; Soriano, M.A. (2014). Combination of electromagnetic, geophysical methods and sedimentological studies for the development of 3D models in alluvial sediments affected by karst (Ebro Basin, NE Spain).

Journal of Applied Geophysics. 102: 81-95.

Simón, J.L.; Soriano, M.A.; Pérez, A.; Luzón, A.; Pocoví, A.; Gil, H. (2014). Interacting tectonic faulting, karst subsidence, diapirism and continental sedimentation in Pleistocene deposits of the central Ebro Basin (Spain). Geological Magazine. 151 (6): 1115–1134.

Oliva-Urcia. B.; Muñoz, A.; Larrasoaña, J.C.; Luzón, A.; Pérez, A.; González, A.; Jiang, Z.; Liu, Q.; Román-Berdiel, T. (2015). Immediate response of alluvial systems to global climate changes recorded by environmental magnetism in the Late Pleistocene Añavieja Basin (Iberian Range, NE Spain). Quaternary Research. En revisión.